Monday, November 14, 2011

Jimmy's misADVENTURE

Our partner shop (I like saying it that way because we sound like a gay couple...or a law firm)is Fat Tire Farm and I am the only girl between both of the shops. All the boys over there are like my brothers. I LOVE them. Like, I want to make fun of them and beat them up, but if anyone else does I will kick their ass. With that said, I was especially bummed to hear about our boy, Jimmy, getting t-boned by a state worker on his vacation with his lady. The truck "didn't see him".... although he was in plain sight being the only thing on the road, and turned into him. Snapped his leg and his bike.

He got a rod through his Tib and Fib.

That shit is no joke.... Jimmy, speedy recovery. Hang in there.

I feel Jimmy's pain because after a few months of moving to Portland, I did this climbing. I landed wrong after a problem.

All the boys here at the shop were super good to me while I was healing and I want do be able to do that for my pal, Jimmy. It gets better, bro.

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